Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tiptoe Higher

Alas, I have neglected my blog for another month now. What else can I do? Fabricate it to make it look like I've been posting all along? Meh... Too much work. I've had a few good friends of mine start blogs since I last posted, so that's been fun to see. It makes me feel cool when I see more blogs popping up.
Before we get started here, I wanted to get some blog business out of the way. I've noticed that a few people have been commenting on these posts, which really makes me happy. Two of these great people happen to be pregnant. So I'm going to go ahead and stamp this blog as pregnant-lady-approved.
Tell everyone.
Mmm... the NBA is back on tonight. It's about time. I'm always glad when the baseball season is over. Maybe that's another reason I like fall so much.
I have another thing that I want to gripe about - cell phones. A few of you who know me well probably know how bad I am at replying to texts or other messages. It isn't anything you should take personally. I'll usually read the text when it comes in, and tell myself I'll reply when I get the time. It might be two days later, but I normally get back to you.
Sometimes, I simply get tired of my phone. I know many of you might be thinking, "hey I get pretty tired of mine too". But when I say I get tired of it, it's me leaving it in my room and paying it no mind for 3 or 4 days. For those of you who have addictions to your phone, let me tell you, that it is one of the most liberating feelings. It's nice to just have some peace and quiet and not worry about it nagging at me all the time. I guess that sounds a bit selfish, now that I'm putting it in words.
I have to chuckle to myself when I think that maybe it's a generational thing. Because I am just old enough to be voting in my first election next week. But I figure that because I'm no longer allowed to say "when I grow up", I'm permitted to use the phrase "when I was a kid". So I believe that's a big part of it, kids these days are relying too much on these phones and other means of wireless communications. It's really changing the way we relate to other people.
For instance, when I'm replying to someone through text, I can take the time to think about the perfect, witty response, proposing that I am more clever than I really am. As opposed to talking with them face to face, or on the phone where I am more honest and vulnerable in my reply. I feel like all this digital communication can create false and counterfeit images of one another. Don't get me wrong though, I do see the benefits of a cell phone for safety and emergency purposes. I'm also pretty invested into the new technologies and gadgetry, so they aren't all that bad.
However, I very much like the idea of not owning a cell phone. I guess that's all it will ever be for me - an idea. It's a necessary evil for a young and single person like myself. I can just imagine the reaction of my new potential romantic interest as I'm introducing myself to her, and I say "I don't have a cell phone, I don't believe in them." Who would want to date that guy? I've only run into a few people who refuse to use a cell phone, and I envy them.
Maybe when I grow up...

For those who are wondering, a majority of the titles of my posts will be lyrics from songs. sometimes they will be related to the content of the particular post. Other times they won't.
If you're really awesome, you would be able to guess what song it comes from.

Today's title was brought to you by this piece of music.
I discovered Imagine Dragons back in March of 2011, before they made it big. I realize that may have been the most hipster thing I've said, but it's true. If you haven't heard them yet, they are definitely worth a listen.


  1. I thought of a lot of things I could comment on while reading this post.

    First of all, consider this your official stamp of approval from a pregnant lady.

    Second of all, I hate cell phones too. I often find myself considering just sharing my husband's cell. But then I think about how having my own phone when he isn't home and whatnot is safer. So that will probably never happen.

    Third of all, Haley was in love with a boy for the longest time (bordering on obsession) who didn't have a cell phone. But perhaps that fact is the reason things never worked out...?

    Fourth of all. That is all.

  2. Aww HL. I had nearly forgotten about her. Just found a picture of me and her at her farewell on my computer the other day. She is one of my favorite people.
    Also, when I first read your comment, I thought you said you consider just shooting your husband's cell. Sharing makes more sense.

  3. i'm nolonger pregnant but i still approve :)

    I have heard this song about 50 times at work within the last week and about 100 times in the car in about 3 days :)
    Hey let me!!!
    Its nice to see your blog finally.... thanks for following mine as a true matey would.

    To sea brother!

  5. Austin, you're awesome. Don't worry about growing up too fast. ;) That is all.
