Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A Wicked and Wild Wind

Oh shoot people. This just got real. I just remembered that I wanted to tell you all about how weird I am. It's pretty much OCD I guess, though it kinda bugs me when people call it that. Especially when it's not technically diagnosed, cause there are people out there who have serious compulsive/obsessive issues. Mine are definitely strange, but not all that horrible.

Even numbers. I just like even numbers a lot more than odd numbers. Like the volume on the tv or radio. It has to be even. I don't understand why you would ever leave it at 19. Really? just turn it up to 20.

I regularly count my steps in fours. Not only that, I have to make sure my feet are stepping on different surfaces evenly. If my right foot takes one step on grass, and left foot on pavement, they have to switch roles to even things out. Same thing with like different colored tiles and such.

Pretty much everything has to be even. I have to chew food or gum on the left and right sides of my mouth the same amount of times. If I cross my right leg, I have to cross my left thing to even things out. Otherwise, it really starts to get to me. I also count the number of manhole covers I drive over in my car (with either the left or right side). Also, I randomly memorize people's license plate numbers.

I'm sure there are a few more things too, but those are the main ones.

Once again, it has been over a month since my last post. I think about posting a lot, but sometimes I just want to come home and re-live my childhood through watching old episodes of Dragon Ball Z.
But really, I enjoy blogging, though I don't think I'm a blogger by nature. Maybe one of these days I'll be brave and do one of these blog-o-thons where I blog everyday for a month. But today is not that day.



  1. Austin I greatly enjoyed this post - I never knew any of that about you.

  2. Speaking of memorizing license plates, have you ever tried to make words out of the generic ones? I would do that with a companion on my mission. The 8s were double o's, 1 was I or L, 2 was Z, 5 was S and so on. We got some funny words out of it :) You'll love it!
