Friday, September 14, 2012

Treasure maps, falling trees

I've finally come around to getting another post up.

My bad.

It's ironic how life works sometimes. Actually, life is ironic all the time. I mentioned that I was starting a blog to help break up the monotony in my life, and the very next week I got a promotion at work. I no longer work on an assembly line, but in the warehouse. Better pay, better hours, the work isn't nearly as repetitive, and most importantly - I enjoy working with these people. So that's where I've been at the past 7 months of my life.

During this drought of blog posts, I haven't completely neglected it. I've been typing notes and drafts into my phone; they simply never made it on here. Hopefully I can be more dedicated now.

I'm not going to bore you with what has happened over the past while. Not because it's not interesting, mostly because there really wasn't anything there. And the few things that did happen I'm just not sure how I want to present. Maybe I'm still learning some life lessons.
But it was mostly filled with work. Work. Work. Work.

I'm currently in my second reading of the Jason Bourne trilogy by Robert Ludlum. I read the three of them last November-ish, and started reading them again after I saw the new Bourne movie in August. The movies are great, but as always, the books are way better. The two don't really share any commonalities in regards to the plot. Really though, most movies take their basic script from the book, but not these ones. Totally different. Mr. Ludlum wrote the first three (Identity, Supremacy, Ultimatum) and passed away. Another guy now "co-authors" the series, adding like 7 more books or something. I only read the first of those (book 4) and it wasn't nearly as good. So I stopped, and would just recommend the first three.

Oh hey, I also had a crazy dream last night. I don't remember a lot about specifics or exact details. But my family had moved into a new house in West Valley, and it was huge. It had tons of rooms, including like 3 kitchens. My dad had gotten some sort of new job, and this house was one of the perks. I was walking through the kitchen in the basement and there was like a secret path behind the oven. It went down this eerie tunnel and exited into a Best Buy store. I shouted to my brother "Dude! We have a Best Buy in our basement!!!" It was great. The store was really quiet though. There were a few employees walking around and no customers whatsoever. Strange yeah?

In completely unrelated news - I am really digging this cooler weather. I don't know that I have a favorite season, but Fall definitely has my favorite weather.

Here's a song I've been putting on replay lately. A lot.
I hadn't seen the video till now, and it just happens to feature Ronald Weasley playing with legos. Score.



  1. watching that video weirds me out. not because he's ron weasley, but because he looks so much like my brother it's ridiculous. so all i see is my brother playing with legos in our basement.

    anyway. i'm glad you're blogging again.

  2. keep it up, it gives me something to read... and i haven't been the best at blogging lately either, but i don't have the internet so that's my excuse
