Thursday, February 9, 2012


Lately I've been thinking about thinking.
Think about it.
How cool is it that our brains have the capacity to do that? My current job is very tedious and monotonous, and therefore doesn't require much of my brainpower and attention. I feel pretty lucky to have it that way. It gives me a lot of time to plan things and analyze where I am at at this stage in my life. Most of the time, I'll listen to talk radio, or audiobooks, but sometimes it's nice to just sit there and think. I'd imagine that this is the time where I will come up with most of my blogging topics.
Sure, someday I'll find a career where I earn money with my mind, and not my hands, but right now, I'm trying to enjoy where I'm at.

A friend of mine occasionally posts dream blogs, and I think that is an idea I would like to steal. In fact, I could probably have an entirely different blog dedicated solely to my outrageous dreams.
Last night, I dreamed that I was at work, and I had told all the ladies to wear their wedding dresses. They did, indeed, show up in their wedding attire, and came to show me. It was set up in the style of America's Next Top Model, and they would come show me their dresses, one lady at a time while I sat at the judges table and critiqued them. They all had an abnormal amount of sequins, diamonds, and embroidered red roses on them. I proceeded to tell them how ugly their dresses were, saying "what on earth was your designer thinking?!?". I was also getting very upset with the ladies who had never been married, because they too were wearing dresses.

Dream moods dictionary:
Wedding Dress

To wear a wedding dress in your dream indicates that you are evaluating and assessing your personal relationship. If you or someone is wearing a wedding dress in an inappropriate situation, then it suggests that you are feeling inferior or unworthy.


  1. Funny you should mention dreams... you were in my dream last night, and you were blown up in an airplane with your siblings while me and your mom watched. Then, while the family was all together mourning, I called your phone (for whatever illogical reason, but dreams are not logical) and you answered and I was so happy that you were alive. You said that you weren't able to get on the plane so you decided to just go to class. I was mad at you that you didn't at least call your mom to tell her that you were alive! Random. Please don't die in a random terrorist act.

  2. Hooray!! I love that you have a blog now and I think your dream is way funny. I've only ever dreamed about wedding dresses twice and both times I legitimately was pondering my relationships.
